Suvolaxmi Dutta Choudhury

PhD candidate, Political Science, McGill University

Doctorante, Science politique, Université McGill

Suvolaxmi Dutta Choudhury is a Ph.D student in Political Science at McGill University. She works with Prof. Narendra Subramanian for her dissertation. Her research interests include citizenship, migration, human rights, and national identity formation. Suvolaxmi holds an M.A and M.Phil in International Politics from Jawaharlal Nehru University, India and a B.A (Hons.) in Political Science from Lady Shri Ram College, India. She has previously worked on understanding the impact of non-Western cosmopolitan doctrines such as the Islamic notion of ummah on the Westphalian state. Her current work engages with the interplay of nationalism and citizenship, and on the relationship that laws and constitutions have with re-drawing the fault lines of exclusion.