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CIPSS Graduate Student Publishing Workshop

A workshop focusing on the  value of publishing for graduate students early in their career 


This workshop aims to discuss the value of publishing for graduate students early in their career and how to do so. In the first half of the workshop, we will hear from two CIPSS Political Science Professors about the “nuts and bolts” of publication for graduate students. In the second half of the workshop, a panel of graduate students will share their experiences with publishing and reflect on what advice they would give to themselves were they just publishing now for the first time. Each portion of the workshop will have a question and answer period for the speakers.


  • 1:30PM-1:40 PM: — “When, where and why to publish” – Professor Hamish Van der Ven, Political Science

  • 1:40PM-1:50 PM — “Academic Publishing, or the Art of Stomaching Failure” – Professor Krzysztof J. Pelc, Political Science

  • 1:50 PM-2:00PM — Question and answer period with the professors

  • 2:00 PM-2:15 PM — Student Panel: Merve Erdilmen (PhD Candidate), Aengus Bridgman (PhD Candidate), and Jianna Marin (MA Candidate), Political Science

  • 2:15 PM-2:30 PM — Question and answer period with the graduate student panelists

Facilitator: Marie Fester (MA Candidate), Political Science

Organizer: CIPSS Graduate Conference Committee 

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CIPSS Speaker Series: Nicole De Silva, Concordia University

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