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CIPSS/CEPSI-CIPS Graduate Student E-Conference

Workshops/Master Class and panel discussion on qualitative research methods in IR

About this event

Instructors: Drs Adam Kochanski (McGill University) & Emily Scott (McGill University)

Two methods workshops will concern (1) principles of ethnographic research in IR and (2) approaches to interviewing in insecure contexts. We will cover issues of research design, positionality, power, sampling and recruitment, ethics, and gender and focus on practical tips and questions about how to conduct research using these methods. Instructors: Emily Scott and Adam Kochanski (McGill University)The panel discussion “Qualitative Research in Areas of Conflict: Lessons from a Pre- to a Post-Pandemic Era” to follow will concern doing IR research in insecure contexts, with particular focus on planning and working in areas of conflict and in the pandemic and post-pandemic era.

Panelists in alphabetical order: Adam Kochanski (McGill University), Emily Scott (McGill University), Jessica Soedirgo (University of Amsterdam), Kate Cronin-Furman (University College London), and Tania Islas Weinstein (McGill University).

Facilitator: Jana Walkowski, McGill University

To participate in this workshop, all attendees are expected to read the following articles and actively participate in Q&A and discussion:

  • Cronin-Furman, K., & Lake, M. (2018). Ethics abroad: Fieldwork in fragile and violent contexts. PS: Political Science &

  • Politics, 51(3), 607-614.

  • Fujii, L. A. (2017). Interviewing in social science research: A relational approach, (Chapter 1). Routledge.

  • Schatz, E. (Ed.). (2013). Political ethnography: What immersion contributes to the study of power (Introduction). University

  • of Chicago Press.

  • Wood, E. J. (2006). The ethical challenges of field research in conflict zones. Qualitative sociology, 29(3), 373-386.

More information:

March 15

CIPSS/CEPSI-CIPS Graduate Student E-Conference

March 19

CIPSS Speaker Series: Emily Paddon Rhoads, Swarthmore College