Women, Peace, and Security

CIPSS is the co-host of the new Research Network on Women, Peace and Security (RN-WPS), which is funded through the Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) programme in Canada’s Department of National Defence.

This inter-generational and bilingual Network seeks to mobilize Canadian-based expertise on issues related to the WPS agenda, and more broadly, to the intersections of militarism, (in)security, settler-colonialism, gender, race, sexuality, and disability.

The Network facilitates knowledge exchange among researchers working in Canadian institutions; supports and initiates innovative and multidisciplinary research; and diffuses research results to an academic, policy-making and general public audience on three strategic challenges: climate change as a multi-dimensional and gender differentiated threat to national resilience; the gendered impacts of conflict and the implications for Canada’s defence capacity needs; and how the implementation of WPS affects Canada’s defence relations.

Visit the Network website to learn more.

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Civilian Protection and Humanitarian Action