La Mondalisation Sous Tension

Globalisation under strain

Vincent Pouliot, a fellow at our institute, leads the 'Globalisation under Strain' project, focusing on the limits of global governance. The project, funded by a FRQSC grant, involves a six-person team from various Quebec universities. They critically examine global governance at a time when traditional notions of globalization are being questioned due to emerging alternative models and widespread contestation.

The team's research covers the impact of international law, security, technological changes, and identity politics across communities, considering factors like the rise of China, populist movements, the Covid-19 pandemic, and conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East. The project's multidisciplinary approach seeks to understand the global shifts in power and the effectiveness of governance in today's interconnected world. In doing so, it explores the questions, contestations and alternative models that come with contemporary globalization.

The project aims to provide comprehensive insights into the dynamics of globalization, with implications for policy and global governance practices. It is pluralist in its methodologies, and encompassing at both the historical and geographical levels.

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